Steam & Condensate

Who is the course aimed at?

For those who work with steam/condensate on a daily basis in their production, carry out maintenance work, install new equipment or develop steam applications.

Course objectives

After the course, the participant should be able to understand and safely work with a steam process. An indispensable training to perform work with steam safely in operation, installation and maintenance.

Course length: full day

Course content

The course provides an insight into how a steam and condensate system is affected by pressure and temperature changes. We go through the risks that exist when working with steam and condensate processes and how to avoid them. The course also provides an insight into what damage can occur in the event of incorrect designs or incorrect handling of a steam system.

  • What is vapour?
  • Quality of the vapour
  • Steam distribution
  • Sizing of steam lines
  • Heat losses/Insulation
  • Design of the condensate system
  • Condensate trap and its purpose

Education in handling valves

At VIMAB, we are happy to share our extensive experience in valve service. We now offer qualified training and courses in the field. Theoretical and practical handling of valves, both manual and automated, is essential knowledge for increased safety and productivity.

Customised course for companies

Our training programmes are designed to teach you things you can use directly at work. That's why you and the other participants set the direction. Our trainers have extensive industry experience, so take the opportunity to ask your specific questions to an expert. The course is a natural meeting place for people with similar work tasks, which means that the exchange of knowledge between course participants is also a natural and important element of the training.

Any questions?

Do you have questions about course content and dates? Do not hesitate to contact us!! We'll be happy to tell you more about all the possibilities.

Enrolment in training programmes