Privacy policy

1. general

This privacy and marketing policy ("Privacy Policy") describes how VIMAB AB (hereinafter referred to as "VIMAB", "we", "us" or "our") collects, uses, discloses and stores your personal data.

1.1 The privacy policy applies when VIMAB provides services and products in connection with purchases, service matters and other contact with VIMAB, such as visits to the website.

1.2 We want you to feel safe when you provide us with your personal data. This Privacy Policy shows how we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with applicable personal data legislation.

2. Personal data controller

VIMAB is the data controller for our processing of your personal data and is responsible for ensuring that such processing is carried out in accordance with applicable legislation.

3. When do we process your personal data

3.1 In order for you to visit our website, purchase our products or services, or contact us for service or information, we need to collect and process personal data about you.

3.2 VIMAB collects and processes personal data about you when you purchase products or order services, contact us for advice, visit our website or participate in events organised by VIMAB or when you otherwise have contact with VIMAB. The information collected from you is required for you to enter into a contract with VIMAB and for VIMAB to provide its services and offers.

3.3 We also collect and update your address information through third-party address update services.

4. What personal data do we process about you?

The personal data VIMAB collects and processes about you as a customer who makes purchases and uses our services for service is:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Geographical information
  • Customer number
  • IP address and information about your use on the VIMAB website

5. Why do we process data about you?

VIMAB processes your personal data for various purposes. Mainly, we process your personal data in order to:

  • fulfil our obligations to you as a customer, such as completing purchases, invoicing and providing support and advice.
  • Enable general customer care and customer service, such as answering questions and correcting incorrect data.
  • Provide information and direct marketing, by post, e-mail and telephone, regarding VIMAB's goods and services.
  • Managing the customer relationship and providing our services.
  • Provide you with relevant information and personalised offers in newsletters and on the web.
  • Improving our customer offer, such as developing services, products and features.
  • Comply with applicable legislation, such as accounting laws.
  • The data can also be used for market and customer analyses, market research, statistics and business monitoring.

6. The legal bases for our processing of your personal data

VIMAB bases the processing of your personal data on a number of legal grounds. These are described in this section.

6.1 Among other things, we process your personal data in order to fulfil the agreement with you as a customer, such as to carry out the purchase of our services and products and to fulfil our obligations to you as a customer.

6.2 Some of the processing of personal data that we carry out is based on a so-called balancing of interests. This applies, for example, to the processing we carry out in order to send you offers about our goods and services. VIMAB does not process sensitive personal data on the basis of a balance of interests and does not carry out any processing that constitutes profiling on the basis of a balance of interests.

6.3 In some cases, VIMAB may have a legal obligation to process your personal data. This applies, for example, to the processing of personal data that we carry out in order to fulfil the requirements of the Accounting Act.

7. summary of our personal data processing

Purpose Legal basis Categories of personal data Storage time
To administer, develop and deliver our products and services and provide support and advice. Fulfilment of contract of sale (terms of sale) ? Name, address, telephone number and e-mail
? Geographical information
? IP address, device information, log information
One (1) year after you have last been active with VIMAB, for example by shopping with us or being in contact with us.
To ensure compliance with legal requirements, such as the Accounting Act Legal obligation ? Name, address, telephone number and e-mail
? Geographical information
? IP address, device information, log information
As long as we are obliged to retain the data under applicable law.
To promote VIMAB products and services by post, e-mail and telephone Balancing of interests ? Name, address, telephone number and e-mail
? Geographical information
? IP address, device information, log information
One (1) year after you have last been active with VIMAB, for example by shopping with us or being in contact with us.

8. Profiling

8.1 We may use profiling in some cases if you have given your explicit consent or if it is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract, for example when evaluating and improving our services.

8.2 You can object to the processing of personal data through profiling at any time. You can do this by calling VIMAB or by contacting es.ba1729077923miv@o1729077923united nations1729077923. Once VIMAB has received your notification, VIMAB will cease processing your personal data for this purpose.

9. How long do we keep data about you?

9.1 Your personal data will only be retained for as long as there is a need to retain it in order to fulfil the purposes for which the data was collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. VIMAB may save the data for longer if it is necessary to comply with legal requirements or to safeguard VIMAB's legal interests, for example in a legal process.

9.2 VIMAB stores customer data for a maximum of 24 months after the customer last made a purchase or otherwise interacted with VIMAB.

10. Who do we disclose data to?

10.1 VIMAB may disclose your data to third parties, such as VIMAB's group companies and other partners.

10.2 Third parties to whom VIMAB discloses information or otherwise provides information about a customer may only use the information for the purpose of selling and marketing VIMAB's services and products or for the purpose of providing services related to VIMAB's agreement with you as a customer.

If you apply for credit when buying a product or service, your details may be disclosed to credit reference agencies.

10.3 Personal data may also be disclosed by VIMAB if it is necessary to comply with applicable legal requirements or requirements from authorities, to defend VIMAB's legal interests or to detect, prevent or draw attention to fraud and other security or technical problems.

10.4 VIMAB may transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA, if any of VIMAB's customers, suppliers or partners are located there. If personal data is transferred to any country outside the EU/EEA, VIMAB will take steps to ensure that the personal data continues to be protected and also take the necessary steps to legally transfer personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA.

11. Amendment of the privacy policy

VIMAB has the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time. VIMAB will give you reasonable notice of any changes to the Privacy Policy. If you do not accept the changes, you have the right to terminate the agreement with VIMAB before the amended Privacy Policy enters into force. You terminate the agreement by contacting VIMAB.

12. The protection of your personal data

You should always feel safe when you provide us with your personal data. VIMAB has therefore taken the necessary security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised access, alteration and deletion. For example, all data is stored in such a way that it is protected by authorisation control and firewall.

13. your rights

You have the right to request a report on what personal data we hold about you by requesting a so-called register extract. This can be done free of charge once a year. You also have the right to request that inaccurate information about you be corrected, as well as the possibility to request that we delete your personal information. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data and to prohibit the use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes.

You have the right to receive a copy of the personal data concerning you in a structured format and, in some cases, to have the data transferred to another controller.

However, this right only applies to data that you have provided to VIMAB yourself and that we process on the basis of consent or a contractual obligation towards you as a legal basis.

To submit an enquiry, please contact us for more information (contact details at the bottom of the page).

You have the right to lodge any complaints about the processing of your personal data with the national supervisory authority.

14. cookies

The Electronic Communications Act, which came into force on 25 July 2003, requires that anyone visiting a website that uses cookies be informed of this, what they are used for and how to avoid them.

You can read more about the law on cookies at Post & Telestyrelsen (PTS) website.

How to switch off cookies varies from browser to browser and from version to version. Check your user guide or the help directly in the browser to find out how to do this in the particular browser you are using.

15. Contact information

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the processing of your personal data or if you wish to request an extract from the register.

Personal data controller

VIMAB AB 556271-0680
Box 279, 591 23 Motala